Pharmacy Assistant Training

The Tasmanian Branch accredited Pharmacy Assistant training courses are managed by the Queensland Branch of the Guild.  For more information or to enrol call 1300 110 161 or email

Pharmacist Vaccination Training

The Tasmania Poisons Regulations 2008 64(c)& (ca) authorises appropriately trained and approved pharmacists in Tasmania to administer privately funded influenza vaccine to people over the age of 10 years, privately funded diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) to those over 16 years and state funded measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to those over 16 years.

The Pharmacy Guild Immunisation Course is a recognised and accredited vaccination training course for pharmacists to provide vaccination services to the community. The blended course outlines the regulatory requirements which mandate the provision of immunisation services within pharmacy as well as the knowledge and resources necessary to support immunisation services. The course also provides practical-skill based learning and training in safe injection techniques.

Needle & Syringe Training

The Tasmanian Branch of the Pharmacy Guild has developed an online learning resource for Pharmacy Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) workers in Tasmania. This course is designed to provide essential background on the NSP and how it fits into Australia’s Harm Minimisation Policy. The course has been reviewed and approved by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services and is required learning for all pharmacists and pharmacy assistants who, while working in Tasmanian Pharmacy NSP sites, will be interacting with and handing out sterile injecting equipment to NSP clients.

The Harm Reduction module is available at no charge to Guild members and their staff. For those pharmacies who are not members of the Guild, the module is available at a cost of $40 per participant. To access the module, log in to your GuildEd account, or create an account, via The module is worth 2 Group 2 CPD Credits.

After completing the module, participants will be asked to fill out an application for a DHHS Accreditation Certificate. Once the DHHS receive this form, your application will be processed and your Certificate will be emailed out to you.

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is a nationally Registered Training Organisation (RTO 0452)

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Page last updated on: 09 January 2024