Business Operations

Modify back office operations to make use of assets, supply chain, administrative processes and people.

60-Day Dispensing

60-Day Dispensing

Key resources, information and news to help you implement 60-day scripts in your pharmacy.

Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance ensures the safety, quality and effectiveness of patient care within healthcare organisations and is maintained via an overarching framework.

Workplace Relations

Workplace Relations

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia provides a range of workplace relations services to partner with members as a benefit of membership. These services include the provision of information, advice and assistance in managing a broad range of industrial relations and human resources matters.

Reports and Data Collection

Business and Industry Insights

Business and Industry Insights

A range of reports, tools and resources relating to the community pharmacy industry

Guild Digest

Guild Digest

The Guild Digest presents a snapshot of pharmacy operations in Australia for the preceding financial year. Its primary purpose is to serve as a financial benchmarking tool for community pharmacy owners, managers and financial advisers in a rapidly evolving economic environment.

Pharmacy Rental Report

Pharmacy Rental Report

All Australians deserve equitable access to professional pharmacy services, therapies and medicines. For this to be achieved, the network of over 5800 community pharmacies needs to be evenly distributed throughout Australia at convenient locations.

State of the Industry Report

State of the Industry Report

The State of the Industry Report presents information on trends in dispensary volumes and demographics, industry wide revenue, employment, pharmacy clinical services, special dispensing circumstances and a number of business indicators.

Workforce Capability

Workforce Capability

Workforce Capability is an ongoing research project which aims to understand the community pharmacy workforce including factors contributing to workforce supply and demand and what will drive change and improvement to ensure pharmacy can attract and maintain the right people with the right skills.

Business Conditions Survey

Business Conditions Survey

The Business Conditions Survey is an annual survey, conducted at the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference, which seeks to assess the business conditions experienced by Guild members in the previous 12 months and their expectations for the future.

Revenue Related Resources

8CPA Calculator

8CPA Calculator

The Guild has produced the 8CPA Calculator tool to help you compare remuneration for the final year of the 7CPA with the first year of the 8CPA.



Community pharmacy operates in a highly regulated environment to provide the highest quality of care in delivering cost-efficient, safely dispensed pharmaceuticals under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Buying and Selling Guide

Buying and Selling Guide

Buying a pharmacy is a big step, whatever path you use to enter pharmacy ownership. Taking careful and considered steps in preparing to enter pharmacy ownership has never been more important.

Professional Services Viability Tool

Professional Services Viability Tool

The Professional Services Viability Tool provides a guide for delivering pharmacy professional services.

Business Administration Resources

The Guild Dispensary Podcast

The Guild Dispensary Podcast

The pharmacy podcast where we dispense the latest news and updates from the Guild, and you get to hear from industry experts on business- and pharmacy-related topics.

Advertising of therapeutic goods and health services

Advertising of therapeutic goods and health services

There are many laws and regulations that govern advertising and promotion of therapeutic goods and professional services in pharmacy. The Guild has prepared a guidance document and a checklist to help members comply with the legislation.

Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Community pharmacy has an essential role to play in ensuring pharmacy services are available throughout an emergency situation to provide those affected with adequate care.  All community pharmacies should have an Emergency Management Plan (EMP).

Customer Experience Index

Customer Experience Index

The Customer Experience Index has been designed to provide customer experience, net promoter scores and real time feedback to promote business enhancement opportunities for Guild Members.

Pharmacy Issues

Pharmacy Issues

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia monitors a wide range of ongoing issues relating to community pharmacy practice, and responds to new issues as they arise



The Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Pharmaceutical Society of Australia have developed a suite of resources to help their members meet their privacy obligations.

Clinical Resources

Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance ensures the safety, quality and effectiveness of patient care within healthcare organisations and is maintained via an overarching framework.

Active Ingredient Prescribing

Active Ingredient Prescribing

Doctors must include the active ingredient names when preparing prescriptions for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation PBS (RPBS) medicines. This will mean most medicines will be prescribed by their active ingredient, not the brand name.

Australian Immunisation Register

Australian Immunisation Register

The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is a national register that records vaccinations given to people of all ages in Australia



For information and support to set-up your PRODA (PROvider Digital Access) account and to access Services Australia webservices including PBS Online, HPOS and, the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

Technology Resources

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

If you or your business use digital technology, you’re at risk of a cyber-attack. Therefore, everyone has responsibility for cyber security.

Digital Readiness Assessment Tool

Digital Readiness Assessment Tool

Is your business ready to thrive, succeed and go digital? Use the Digital Readiness Assessment Tool to help you better understand how digitally prepared your business is.

Engagement with Technology Providers

Engagement with Technology Providers

Key matters to consider when engaging with both existing and new technology providers.

Social Media Hub

Social Media Hub

On this content hub, you will find a collection of regularly updated resources developed to assist members to use social media effectively and build a strong, engaged social media following.

Page last updated on: 04 July 2024